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Sharing Jesus Pt. 1

Start with Your Story

Many people go through their life as Christian but never truly share the Bible with their peers. We come up with so many excuses to not share Jesus at that moment, whether it's because you feel awkward, you don't want to offend anyone, or you just feel like it's not the right time. But every single one of those excuses is things the devil is whispering in our ear to stop yet another person from joining God's army.

In this series, I want to ease some of that anxiety you may have when approaching a nonbeliever about God. And the best place to start is to slowly bridge into sharing your own story about becoming a Christian.


Starting The Conversation

The best way to start a good conversation with anyone (not just someone you're trying to share the Bible with) is to make a connection with them. Find things you both enjoy: maybe there was an important game recently, a new movie just came out, or you just heard a song that you really enjoy, etc. Whatever it might be, make that connection. It's a great way to build a relationship and maybe pave the path for future conversations.

Once you've built a solid foundation, begin to bridge the conversation. This is where you are going to start sharing about yourself. But before you do that, make sure to ask them if it's okay if you share what God has done in your life. This is important for several reasons: 1) you may sound pushy and come off as rude 2) some people just don't want to hear it and there are several other reasons, but these are the main two.

If they say yes, begin to share your testimony (for help on that head to Sharing Your Testimony).

If they say no, just leave it. Continue to build that relationship with that person. Just because they say no know does not mean they will say no forever. If the relationship continues to build and if you continue to show the love of God, they may come to ask questions. So always keep that door open.


Sharing Your Testimony

Over the years I have been taught several different ways to share my story. And they have all been great advice, but not every structure is perfect for everyone. So I wanted to share my simple four step way to sharing your testimony. Though if this way doesn't work for you, I have a couple other helpful structures linked bellow.

1) Your Life Before Christ

Everyone's life before they gave their heart to Christ is different.

Some of you may have grown up in the church (like me), and don't really remember a time before you came to Christ. And some of you may vividly remember what it was like before you came to Christ and might cringe at what your life was like. Whichever group you may be a part of, make sure to share this side of you. Show them that you are just like them and that you are a sinner. You were broken before. That is what is important.

And remember you don't have to go too in depth if that might make you uncomfortable or if you don't remember. Just try to pick out a few things that you do remember or that would help you connect with the person you are talking to.

2) What Made You Realize You Needed God

Again, everyone's life is different and so everyone's stories will be different. And that's what is so amazing about sharing your testimony.

Share about the day (or days) that you came to realize that you needed God. What was different about that day? What were you doing? What feeling did you have? By answering these questions, you can set a pretty good scene when sharing.

Though when sharing this don't "give away the answer". Later you will be asking them what they think it takes to get into Heaven, but still share as much as you can.

3) What Is Your Life Like Now

Obviously, your life isn't perfect, but there are sure to have been some changes in your life when you turned to God. So talk about those.

What changes did you make immediately? What changes are you still working on? How does your life compare to how it did before Christ?

4) Let Them Ask Questions

Now this doesn't necessarily have to come at the end, but it is important that you give them a chance to ask any questions they may have about what you are sharing. You don't want to continue the conversation if they are still confused about the first thing you said. So make sure you keep the conversation open and not leave it one sided.


The best way to get a good conversation started, is to share how God changed you. He gave you a story, and this is when you use it. Your testimony is yet another olive branch you are sending out to the person you are speaking to and getting to connect with them, and that is the most important part when trying to share Christ. A good connection is the best way to plant the seed in someone's heart for future conversation about Christ, so that's always where you should start.

If you guys have any question I would love to answer them. You can leave a comment down bellow, send us a message through the website, or even send us a DM on our Instagram.

I hope you all have a great day! Jesus loves you!


More Tips On How To Structure Your Testimony:

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